Introducing the Jonsson sisters...

These gorgeous siblings are from my neighbourhood here in Sweden.  I knew them to see for a couple of years, but I had no idea they were quite so charming.  We had our shoot at a local park at the start of August, and they made my job so easy!  Not only are they beautiful on the outside, but they have such sweet gentle souls, too.  Pure joy. 

Little sister_sandra jolly photography
Big sister_sandra jolly photography
Holding on_sandra jolly photography
Dandelion girl_sandra jolly photography
happy skippers_sandra jolly photography
Close up_sandra jolly photography
Big swing_sandra jolly photography
Joy_sandra jolly photography
Big swing_sandra jolly photography
Splash_sandra jolly photography
Beauty_sandra jolly photography
Big sister_sandra jolly photography
Sibling fun_sandra jolly photography
Secrets_sandra jolly photograhy
Timeless beauty_sandra jolly photography
Loveliness_sandra jolly photography