snow session

Fun Outdoor Family Session In The Snow

It was early January and it was getting dark. Fast. It had snowed and it was pretty cold. We knew we didn’t have a lot of time for this fun outdoor family session in the snow, but by golly, we made it work! Look at these happy images! Don’t they just warm your heart :)

It’s amazing what can be achieved in a short amount of time, but the result will be cherished for decades! This family even had the grandparents visiting from Canada, so it was a priority to get a portrait of them. I always say if grandparents are visiting, take the opportunity to create a photograph of them. You don’t know when you might get another chance.

This gorgeous mom sent me home with some absolutely delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies, so as you can imagine, I was a happy camper en route home after experiencing some much Canadian warm and kindness :)

To book your Jolly session, please mail, and I will happily send you my beautiful portrait session guide.

Peace and love xoxo

Outdoor family snow session in Stockholm | Familjefotograf Stockholm

Another beautiful outdoor family photo session from a wintery Stockholm! This mom mailed me as soon as it started to snow and said she REALLY wanted a snow session! Our last family photo session together had been in spring, so when she saw the snow she knew she wanted some in her new family photos :). And look how beautiful they turned out! We worked quickly (you have to during snow sessions) and now she’s got some lovely winter wonderland photographs to display in her home.

You see, photo sessions aren’t just for summer or autumn. Those seasons can be beautiful too, but if you plan on having regular family photo sessions (and you absolutely should!), then why not make use of all the seasons?! And remember, photographs are the gifts that keep on giving. What else do you have in your home that brings you joy every time you look at it, even years later?

If you are considering celebrating your family, a portrait session is a perfect way to do just that. Feel free to get in touch via the Contact page above or mail me at Don’t be a stranger.

Peace and love xoxo