High energy fun family photo session | Stockholmfotograf

I cannot believe I’m only getting around to sharing this amazing family session now! To be fair though, this autumn season has been insanely busy here at Jolly HQ. I’ve been doing 7-day weeks and locking myself in my office for hours on end in an effort to stay on top of my work. Let the record show, I am not complaining about being busy, I’m just filling you in on what’s been happening lately ;)

Do you know that before a family photo session, I provide my clients with as much information as possible to prepare them for our shoot? I believe that the more prepared my clients are, the more successful the session will be. I provide them with lots of tips and inspiration on what to wear, how to choose locations, how a shoot will flow, how mom and dad can make the session better (it’s not all down to me, you know!), etc. Preparation is key!

From the minute I met this family at our location, they were bursting with positive energy! These three gorgeous girls made my job so easy - always ready to turn on the charm for the camera! And just look at how high energy and joyful their images are :).

Although autumn is fully booked, and nearly over, might I add, I can offer some winter sessions for those of you who are interested. All you need to do is go to the Contact page above or mail me at sandra@sandrajolly.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

Peace and love xoxo :)