Stockholm family session with new puppy | Stockholm family photographer

It’s hard to believe we are more than halfway through October already!! I don’t know about you, but I’ve been very busy on the work front, which has probably also contributed to the feeling of an acceleration of time. I’ve been shooting mainly family photo sessions, but I’ve also squeezed in a couple of personal projects, which is very important to the creative soul ;)

This fun family session was held on a very windy morning way back in early September. The family was high energy with a very positive-vibe (my favourite kind of family!), and had just gotten a beautiful and very photogenic puppy! I think the pictures speak for themselves. This little puppy is very loved and doted upon by his human family. I love it when my families include their pets in their photo sessions! It doesn’t matter if you’ve just gotten a puppy, have an old dog, or even a pet rabbit, it always adds something magical when there’s a pet in the family portrait.

Oh, and imagine my delight when the sweet mom brought along afternoon tea for my assistant and me! Very considerate :)

If you are considering gifting photographs this Christmas, NOW is the time to schedule your session! Don’t leave it too late! Mail, or go to the Contact page above to chat. I’d love to hear from you!

Peace and love xoxo