Anyone else planning a chocolate overdose this weekend? No? Just me?
You know those movies where there’s a man and a woman on a date and the woman is so nervous/starry-eyed she just half-heartedly pushes her pasta arrabiata around her plate? God that makes me angry, people. One can always find another man, but good pasta does not come along every day. The same goes for days dedicated to eating your body weight in chocolate, a.k.a Easter Sunday. Yes, I will be a very happy eater this Easter. Just between you and I, I’ve found a local shop, here north of Stockholm, that sells Cadbury’s Chocolate - oh yeah. God, I’m watering at the mouth already just thinking of all the Cadbury’s Mini Eggs I’m going to consume, and some Curly Wurlys thrown in for good measure. Ah, bliss. FYI I don’t think about food all the time, just 90% of the time.
And just to keep you up to speed (and by you, I mean my mother - I’m not sure anyone else reads my blog - do please leave a comment if you are not my mother), I have a few busy weeks coming up with shoots and a trip. I do hope to pop back in here though at some point in May, so don’t be shy and say hi. I’m quite friendly (so long as I’m not hungry).
Wishing you all a very happy Easter xoxox
Life is better with Cadbury’s Mini Eggs ;)
How do you eat yours?