Hey you :). Wanna see how I spent my day yesterday? I thought maybe I should share some behind the scenes from Jolly HQ. So, don’t just sit there thinking about it, grab a Budvar and start reading. It’s short and sweet :)
Early start and I roll out of bed looking like an extra from The Walking Dead. It’s time to hit the yoga mat and get to work. Where there’s a camera there’s my photo-bombing dog ;)
I don’t leave home without meditating. My presence muscle has definitely gotten stronger, but there is always room for improvement.
Time to walk the dog and sit at my favourite spot in Sweden. They can scatter my ashes here when I’m gone… if it’s not too illegal.
Can’t go to the office without a big mug of Irish tea and some homemade chocolate chip cookies. C’mon, I’m only human.
It’s client photo book design time. This is when I wish I had a private masseuse to give my back and neck a good seeing to.
Have to retrive some stolen socks from my dog. This time he let me have them. Sometimes he swallows one, then waits until we’re home alone together and vomits it up for me. Good times.
Checking client prints. Imagine, these prints are going to be in a family for generations. Print your photos, people.
Now, I had hoped to wrap up this blog post with a shot of a perfectly executed dinner (OK, I was never going to produce a perfectly executed dinner), but I ran out of time to cook any kind of dinner before I headed into Stockholm for the night with a friend. Didn’t crawl into bed until 2am this morning. What can I say, I don’t get out too often ;)
I should also mention that I have a personal goal every day to make at least one person smile. I am thrilled to tell you that yesterday, I made - wait for it - 12 PEOPLE SMILE. No word of a lie. 12 PEOPLE. Should I not get some kind of a Nobel prize for that? And on top of that, I made two brand new friends. Not bad for a Thursday, right?
Peace and love :)